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Essential Period Underwear
Essential period underwear feature an ultra-thin & breathable leakproof lining that absorbs 4+ tampons worth.
Essential Period Hipster
Leakproof gusset absorbs 4+ tampons worth.

Leakproof gusset absorbs 4+ tampons worth.

Essential Period Boxer
Leakproof gusset absorbs 4+ tampons worth.

Leakproof gusset absorbs 4+ tampons worth.

Boost Period Underwear
Boost period underwear absorb 8+ tampons worth, thanks to the removable absorbency Booster. Swap the Booster throughout the day to manage heavy flow.
Boost Boxer
Leakproof gusset with removable absorbency Booster
Leakproof gusset with removable absorbency Booster

Boost Hipster
Leakproof gusset with removable absorbency Booster
Leakproof gusset with removable absorbency Booster

Boost Brief
Leakproof gusset with removable absorbency Booster
Leakproof gusset with removable absorbency Booster

Boost Retro Brief
Leakproof gusset with removable absorbency Booster
Leakproof gusset with removable absorbency Booster

Mini Pad - 8 inches

Maxi Pad - 10 inches

Super Pad - 13 inches

Liner - 7 inches

Extended Liner - 10 inches